Call for papers for 2022 annual Proceedings, volume 131
Papers are invited for the next annual volume of the Proceedings of The Royal Society of Queensland. Details on the Proceedings page. Short communications, student abstracts and opinion pieces are welcome, as well as conventional research articles. This venerable journal has been in continuous print publication since 1884.
Researchers are often pushed to publish their work in high impact journals, but regional journals are as important, despite their low profiles. Sometimes, research findings that may initially seem internationally insignificant could revolutionise future theoretical and experimental developments around the globe. Equally, basic regional science out of scope for high profile journals is important to local communities and so it needs a home. Our journal prides itself on publishing a range of types of research communication and on our rigorous standards of peer-review. We have a long history and are cited internationally – recognition which we want to continue for many decades to come. In 2022, the Editor is particularly keen to feature an Early Career Researcher (ECR) section in the 131st volume of the Proceedings. We want to promote up-and-coming talent and provide an open access avenue for those who have had limited experience publishing in peer-reviewed journals.
Call for papers: refer to the call for Volume 129 – download – pending completion of the volume 131 update.