Col Lynam is Principal of Earthquake Services, a consultancy based in Brisbane. His special scientific interests include seismology, earth sciences and citizen science.
A list of citations in Google Scholar is testament to knowledge in a wide range of subjects within the earth sciences over nearly 40 years.
On 27 August 1982, Mr Lynam recorded a seminar at the University of Queensland presented by Dr Jack Webb, Honorary Director of the University of Queensland Seismograph Stations. This aural history is titled Cooperation and the UQ Seismograph Stations.
More recently, he has penned a short article to remind people of Queensland’s vulnerability to seismic activity. “There is no sudden threat implied in this writing. The plates have been moving constantly for billions of years and periodically they re-adjust. Humans have small attention spans and tend to perceive these events as out of the blue, but they are a constant threat. My point is to illustrate the multidisciplinary sources involved in measuring the geoid’s constant movement.”