

Some opinion pieces authored by members of the Society are reproduced below. Also consult the pages of the annual Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland, which peer-reviews opinion pieces before publication.

Wedge politics is failing farmers

An opinion piece by the President, Dr Geoff Edwards, arguing that so-called “conservative” commentators were doing a disservice to farmers and graziers by repeatedly demonising the spokespeople for environmental science was published in Queensland Country Life on 18 April 2019. […]

Public service a worthy Budget ambition

An opinion piece by the President, Dr Geoff Edwards, on public service funding for rural Queensland – “Public service a worthy Budget ambition” – was published by Queensland Country Life on 7 February 2019. Reproduced with permission.

Drought preparedness

An opinion piece by the President, Dr Geoff Edwards, on drought preparedness – “Donations won’t solve crisis” – was published by Queensland Country Life on 30 August 2018. Reproduced with permission.

Stewardship payments – if the market won’t reward sustainable land management, society must

The President’s opinion piece of the merits of stewardship payments to farmers who produce ecosystem services without adequate payment was given prominence in Queensland Country Life on 13 March 2014 (page 15). A paper expanding on this theme was launched […]

Business isn’t listening to scientific warnings – lacks ecological literacy

“Spanning Communication Circles”, an article arguing that scientific information about environmental condition and trend is inadequately heeded because the world view of the business sector has no space for environmental messages, appeared in the September 2014 issue of Wildlife Australia […]

Ridiculing environmentalists risks demeaning the underlying science

Conservative commentator Des Houghton made yet another attack on environmentalists in his column in The Courier-Mail on Saturday 20 Sep. 2014.  See the President’s response published by The Courier-Mail on Wednesday 24 Sep.  Houghton responded on the following Saturday, 27 […]

Businesses which ignore climate science risk trashing shareholder value

“It was 1989.  Margaret Thatcher, poster girl for conservative pro-business policy, urged the United Nations General Assembly to take remedial action on global warming.  From that date at least, governments around the world should have been aware that here was […]

Science: Avoiding Quicksand in parks planning

This presentation to the first State Conference of Parks and Leisure Australia, Queensland Branch, on 4 June 2015 tailors some themes that the President has used in other addresses to a parks audience.  He argued to the parks professionals present […]