Proceedings 123 published
The 2018 edition of the Proceedings of the Royal Society of Queensland has now been published. Thanks to Dr Barry Pollock, recently retired Honorary Editor for sterling work in producing his fourth edition; and thanks to the authors and reviewers for their scholarship.
Print copies have been sent free of charge to financial members. Articles can be purchased from the Society’s agent Informit online.
Feasible paths: How to implement solutions to problems
Colonisation by springtails of Great Barrier Reef islands
Recovery of reptile, amphibian and mammal assemblages in post-mining landscapes
Box mistletoe within the crown of urban gum trees
A revision of Terebellum delicatum (Gastropoda)
The uncatalogued Townsville earthquake of 1879
A stewardship incentives scheme for Queensland’s pastoral lands
A field guide to spiders of Australia
Obituary Dr HWB (Don) Eastwell