A Rangelands Dialogue: Towards a Sustainable Future
The papers in these Proceedings originated as briefing papers for the Rangelands Policy Dialogue convened by The Royal Society of Queensland, AgForce and Natural Resource Management Regions Queensland in July 2019. They take the form of either short communications or opinion pieces and have been peer-reviewed to that standard.Whether revealed by indicators of biophysical condition and trend, or measures of socio-economic strain, these lands and their communities are in widespread (though not universal) decline, now accentuated by rapidly materialising changes in climate. The Dialogue heard that current economic settings cannot lead to ecological sustainability and that a model based upon 'business as usual' is not deemed appropriate or responsible.
The Rangelands Declaration, printed at the end of the volume, provides a platform for cooperative development of a new vision for Queensland’s rangelands and new institutional arrangements to implement the vision.
Editor Paul Sattler, Contributing Editors Ross Hynes and Geoff Edwards. Date of Publication: 18 August 2020.