Walter Fisher Grant(s) for Mycology Research – Four awarded

The Society is pleased to announce the successful applicants for grants of >$23,000 for research into microscopic or macroscopic fungi. The grants honour Queenslander Walter Fisher whose career focused on yeasts. Details are on the Research Fund page.

Understanding the molecular landscape and diversity of Queensland’s native Hericium fungi, Dr Kylie Agnew-Francis, The University of Queensland

Even Fungi Get Stressed Sometimes: Glutathione and Stress Tolerance in the Amphibian Chytrid, Dr Rebecca Webb, University of Melbourne

Investigating the Plant Growth Promotion Potential of Native Seed Fungi to Improve Native Australian Grassland Restoration, Ms Allison Mertin, University of Melbourne and Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney

Structural characterisation of valuable new antibiotics from Queensland rainforest endophytic microfungi, Dr. John Dearnaley, University of Southern Queensland.